New products coming for healthcare.(Remove residual pesticides machine)

New products coming for healthcare.(Remove residual pesticides machine)

According to a report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), peaches, apples, sweet peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, kale, lettuce, imported grapes, carrots, and pears Etc. is the 12 fruits and vegetables with the most residual pesticides.
Three major hazards of fruits and vegetables is below.
Increase the burden on the liver:
The human liver is responsible for decomposing toxins in the body. After the “crop” of vegetables enters the body, the liver needs to work on it to break down the toxins. For a long time, the work of overloading is easy to induce diseases such as cirrhosis and hydronephrosis.
Inducing gastrointestinal diseases:
The digestive system of the gastrointestinal digestive system is rich in blood vessels, and there are many wrinkles on the stomach wall, which tends to keep poisons. The accumulation of “peasant residues” can lead to chronic diarrhea and nausea.
Induced cancer:
The “crop residue” of vegetables may contain harmful substances such as chlorinated benzene, methamidophos and parathion which may accumulate in the body for a long time. It can weaken the function of the endocrine system and may cause cancer of various tissues of the body.

In order to remove those residual pesticides in fruits and vegetables, we have make a new products for this Fruit and vegetabel machine which can remove residual pestides and other chemical.
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